Humanity for Peace August 6 International Demonstrations

The danger of nuclear war has escalated to a point that no thoughtful person on the planet can ignore it any longer. Yet, in this atmosphere, there are still some who think there should be more weapons, more sanctions, and who think that a nuclear war can be won against Russia. It is very clear that those who have provoked the war, and continue to escalate it, do not care about the lives of the people of Ukraine or any other nation on the planet for that matter. This is NOT acceptable to those of us who care about the well-being of ALL of humanity — those who do not wish to see the human race wiped off the face of the earth. We, therefore, call on the citizens of the world to come together and raise our voices against this madness. Humanity For Peace is building a unified coalition, above ideologies, to stop this unfolding escalation towards nuclear war. We refuse to let humanity perish at the hands of insanity.

August 6 will be the 78th anniversary of the unnecessary and genocidal nuclear bombing of Hiroshima by the United States, which was followed days later by the same crime against Nagasaki. Humanity For Peace is proud to announce that on this occasion, August 6, 2023, an international rally will be held to remind the world that nuclear war should never be fought and can never be won. Humanity is better than that, and we must reject the destiny of inevitable war as a morally repugnant and horribly cynical view.

The main rally will be held at the United Nations in New York City, NY, from 1-4pm, which will be live streamed over the internet. In solidarity with this, sister rallies will be held in other cities around the world. Please get in contact with us if you are interested in organizing another sister rally.

There are currently over 20 organizations sponsoring the event. If your organization would also like to sponsor the event, please contact us. More information, including the current speakers’ list, can be found at

As President Kennedy said in his famous address to American University in 1963, war is not inevitable — but only if we work instead to create peace. The leadership in the United States and NATO is currently not working towards this goal, but rather are further escalating and inflaming the situation in Ukraine. For this reason, an international chorus of voices must be raised against this policy, and sound the call for peace!

Join us August 6 — we must make this sentiment the dominant voice in the world!

Our Demands are as follows:

1) The immediate ending of all funding and weapons to Ukraine.
Convene immediate unconditional peace talks.
The Dissolution of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
A new international security architecture must be created to end the division of the world into blocs, eliminating geopolitics. This new architecture must take into account the security concerns of every sovereign nation, large or small.

Current List of Speakers Include:

Gerald Celente, Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute and Publisher of the Trends Journal magazine, Founder “Occupy Peace & Freedom”
Mike ter Maat, 2024 candidate for the Libertarian Party Presidential nomination, former White House economist, professor, entrepreneur & pro-reform police officer

Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author. He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, served in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991 to 1998 served as a chief weapons inspector with the UN in Iraq

Nick Brana, national chair of the People’s Party and an organizer with Rage Against the War Machine
Jose Vega, a staffer for the Sare for Senate campaign (NY) and also a LaRouche activist since 2014

Ahmadou Diallo, President and founder of the Guinean American League of Friends for Freedom, an analyst for the Guinean community in New York and other US states
Rev. Dr. Terri L. Strong, Chairwoman of the Action and Global Concerns Committee for the National Church Women United Organization

Humanity for Peace – Mozart’s Requiem Concert

Following the international demonstration, musicians from around the United States will offer their musical talents in a free concert to the public. Our principal conductor for the concert is Maestro Gürer Aykal, Permanent Conductor and General Music Director of Borusan İstanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, and professor emeritus and former conductor of El Paso, Texas Symphony Orchestra.

Sunday, August 6, 2023, 6:00 pm – 8:00 PM
Location: The Unitarian Church of All Souls at 1157 Lexington Avenue at East 80th Street, New York, NY

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