Presentation of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Malaga

The World without Wars and Nonviolence Association “Mediterráneo” will present the project of the 3rd World March for Peace and Nonviolence that will start its route on October 2nd 2024 from Costa Rica, on October 2nd at 19:00h in the auditorium of the Economic Society Friends of the Country, Plaza de la Constitución, 7 in the city of Málaga.

The first World March passed through Malaga at the end of 2009 and mobilised thousands of people from Malaga for the cause of peace and nonviolence. This third World March is open to everyone’s participation, that’s why we want to make public its objectives, ways to participate and the calendar of activities. It is an action that “does not receive any kind of subsidy”, it is about creating consciousness for “active” nonviolence through the voluntary activity of its participants. The best example of what is possible was the first World March that left New Zealand on 2 October 2009, the anniversary of Gandhi’s birth and declared by the United Nations, International Day of Nonviolence, and ended in Argentina in the Andes, in Punta de Vacas, at the foot of Mount Aconcagua, on 2 January 2010.

World without Wars and without Violence: Its aim is the creation of a global nonviolent consciousness.

This new consciousness will be the necessary step towards a world free of violence, not only in its cruelest expression, wars and physical violence, but also free of economic, racial, religious, sexual, psychological and moral violence.

This movement works in particular for the cessation of wars and armed conflicts throughout the world. It fights for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, for the proportional and progressive disarmament of conventional weapons, for the withdrawal of invading troops from occupied territories, for the renunciation by governments of the use of war as a means of conflict resolution.

This organisation is part of New Humanism, or Universalist Humanism, and aspires to the achievement of the Universal Human Nation.

The presentation will be given by Hugo Rodríguez Ghiara, promoter of World without Wars and without violence “Mediterranean”, the background of the actions in Malaga can be found on the website

About Hugo Rodríguez Ghiara

Humanist, he is one of the organisers of the 1st World March for Peace and Nonviolence which passed through Malaga at the beginning of November 2009, mobilising thousands of Malagueños. Based in Malaga since 1977, he has taken the proposals of New Humanism or Universalist Humanism to countries in Europe, America and Africa. Editor and director of “El anunciador de Málaga” until 2002, in 2008 he founded the journalistic group Globatium, which has among its titles and among others.

He always developed his militant activity on a voluntary basis, dedicating his time and his own resources for it to make what he believed was necessary. He is one of the millions of people who, without social recognition and without receiving any compensation except their own, have focused their lives on trying to make what they think, what they feel and what they do coincide.

* For more information, please call 615459090 or email

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