Bar Crawl Radio: From Conflict to Collaboration with Rob Fersh

Rob Fersh talks about collaborative problem solving and his new book, co-authored with Mariah Levison “From Conflict to Convergence: Coming Together to Solve Tough Problems” 

As our country divides up its wealth between a few gazillionaires and the rest of us – coming together seems a worthwhile goal.

Rob Fersh is the Founder and Senior Advisor of the Convergence Center for Policy Resolution. Before that he worked on international conflict resolution and directed U.S. national policy consensus projects on healthcare coverage for the uninsured — and U.S.-Muslim relations. Before that — Rob headed up a major NGO working to alleviate hunger in the United States. He has worked for Republican and Democratic representatives — Leon Panetta and Patrick Leahy and Edmund Muskie. In 1994, Rob received the Prudential Foundation Prize for Non-Profit Leadership.

He is married, has four children, and three grandchildren. And is a good friend of my sister Barbara Zweig.

Rob Fersh talks about collaborative problem solving and his new book, co-authored with Mariah Levison “From Conflict to Convergence: Coming Together to Solve Tough Problems” –

As our country divides up its wealth between a few gazillionairs and the rest of us – coming together seems a worthwhile goal.

Rob Fersh is the Founder and Senior Advisor of the Convergence Center for Policy Resolution. Before that he worked on international conflict resolution and directed U.S. national policy consensus projects on health care coverage for the uninsured — and U.S.-Muslim relations. Before that — Rob headed up a major NGO working to alleviate hunger in the United States. He has worked for Republican and Democratic representatives — Leon Panetta and Patrick Leahy and Edmund Muskie. In 1994, Rob received the Prudential Foundation Prize for Non-Profit Leadership.

He is married and has four children and three grandchildren. And is a good friend of my sister Barbara Zweig.

Bar Crawl Radio