Ukrainian Minister of Education and Science under pressure to resign for plagiarising his PhD dissertation!
Oksen Lisovyi is the opposite of everything that a minister for education and science should be. He is not a civilian professional of unquestionable integrity with a plan and aptitude to build a knowledge-based peaceful future, or even to give students, teachers and scholars a space to in which to hope, trust, and contribute to…
OFERTA DE FEINA: Gestió econòmica de projectes a Mashreq
Funció: Tècnic/a de gestió econòmica de projectes a Mashreq Ubicació: Amman – Jordània ó Ramallah – Palestina Desplaçament: Aquesta feina inclou viatges puntuals als països de la zona Mashreq on NOVACT té projectes: Jordània, Iraq, Kurdistan, Palestina i Síria. Duració de contracte: indefinit amb 6 mesos de prova Jornada complerta: 37,50 hores setmanals Salari brut:…
Spring of Nonviolence. The Pope’s prayer, Lennon’s utopia
The Pope entrusted his intentions to the World Prayer Network. One intention per month, throughout the year. April is the month dedicated to prayer “For a Culture of Nonviolence.” In all Catholic churches, during Masses, the following will be prayed: “Let us pray for a greater spread of a culture of nonviolence, which passes through…
Let’s take Peace into our own hands
As a contribution to the European campaign for peace and nonviolence “Let us take peace into our own hands”, 4 international activists met in Cologne on 2nd of April at the memorial of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Park. In a poetic way and in three languages, they expressed their views on overcoming war and violence. This action…
Poorly understood environmental trends could become tomorrow’s security threats
(Stockholm, 4 April 2023) There is an urgent need to understand how a range of emerging ecological challenges could trigger catastrophic instability and insecurity, argues a new report published today by SIPRI. Five Urgent Questions on Ecological Security is co-authored by Dan Smith, SIPRI Director, and Rod Schoonover, CEO of the Ecological Futures Group and…
NOTÍCIA: L’impacte de la gestió de la COVID-19 en la defensa dels drets humans en el Maghreb
Publiquem tres informes que analitzen l’impacte de la gestió de la crisi sanitària de la COVID-19 i de la crisi climàtica en els drets humans a Algèria, Tunísia i Líbia. Els documents proposen una bateria de recomanacions operacionals per a orientar les intervencions futures en defensa i promoció dels drets humans a la regió. Aquests…
Five Urgent Questions on Ecological Security
The increasing pressure of ecological disruption on people and on security means that ideas and policy on peace and security must increasingly address the need for ecological security.
Learning to ask, the challenge of AI
Talking today with a grandmother who has observed education for the last 60 years, first as a pupil, then as a mother and now as a grandmother, she was telling me that what remains unchanged is the definition of a good student: quiet, obedient, orderly and who doesn’t ask her difficult questions in the classroom.…
Biosecurity Risk Assessment in the Life Sciences: Towards a Toolkit for Individual Practitioners
This paper outlines ways to motivate practitioners to proactively take responsibility for considering and managing the biorisks associated with their work, aiming to close the knowledge gap by equipping scientists with appropriate tools to implement a comprehensive biorisk mitigation strategy at the practical level.
OBJECT WAR CAMPAIGN: Petition to support Conscientious Objectors and Deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine
Press Release posted on 21st September, 2022 ➡️ Original post here: INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP OF RECONCILIATION On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, 21st September, Connection e.V., the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, the European Office for Conscientious Objection, and War Resisters’ International are calling for a signature campaign for deserters and conscientious objectors from…