Jordan: Technical Service to produce a study on hate speech


Technical Service to produce a Baseline study on risks, threats and protection needs against hate speech online targeting women in Jordan and facilitating three trainings for young women and CSOs defending women’s rights in Jordan on how to protect women from online hate speech.

The technical service is framed in the project “Strengthened the active participation of women (youth, refugees, Jordanians and WwD) with a comprehensive rights approach in Jordan”, funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). The project is being implemented from 25th January 2023 until 14th January 2027 and it will be implemented in Amman, Zarqa and Mafraq.

Project context

The intervention aims to contribute to a life free of violence for women at risk of exclusion, Jordanians and refugees, young women and WwD, through economic empowerment, protection and prevention of SGBV and conflict prevention in their communities, as a strategy to reduce inequalities of Rights’ holders and ensure their contribution to sustainable development, while promoting social cohesion and conflict prevention. Over four years, work will be done to achieve three SOs:

Promote economic empowerment,
Improve the protection system, prevention and response to gender violence,
Strengthen the leadership of women in peace building, from three transversal approaches: gender, environment, and disability.

The study and trainings are framed under the SO.3 “Strengthen the leadership of women in peace building, from three transversal approaches: gender, environment, and disability”.

The consultant is expected to conduct two phases of activities to ensure a comprehensive response to hatespeech, from analytical to practical.

PHASE 1:  The production of a baseline study on hate speech against women in Jordan, identifying recommendations for their protection and empowerment.

PHASE 2: Based on the study’s findings, develop a training curriculum and implementing 3 online trainings to young women and CSOs working on women’s rights, aiming to enhance their knowledge on hate speech to offer better support to victims.

PHASE 1. Hate Speech Study: Baseline study on risks, threats, and protection needs against hate speech targeting women in Jordan in the virtual space


The consultant will conduct a comprehensive study on hate speech against women in Jordan, with a particular focus on young women, women with disabilities and refugees. The study will explore the intersectionality of misogyny and sexism with other forms of discrimination such as racism, religion, sectarianism, and sexual orientation in the context of hate speech in the digital sphere.


The study will specifically aim to:

Provide a theoretical framework (max. 10-15 pages)

Define Hate Speech: Clarify what constitutes hate speech, particularly against women, and identify the basis on which it is targeted with a specific focus on race, religion, sect and sexual orientation. Determine what are the hate speech messages specifically targeting women in Jordan.
Analyze Hate Crimes and Disinformation: Examine the connection between hate speech, hate crimes, and the spread of disinformation in the context of Jordan, and assess the consequences for women, with a specific focus on young women, women with disabilities, refugees and victims of GBV. Understand what the base and direction of hate speech messages against women in Jordan is. Explore GBV as a possible consequence of online hate speech.
Identify Social Media Platforms: Determine which social media platforms are mainly used in Jordan, which one’s host hate speech, and evaluate their usage policies in terms of prevention and enablement of hate speech.
Review Legal Framework: Assess existing laws and policies in Jordan, with special attention to the Anti-cybercrimes Law, and identify gaps and needs for effective action against hate speech.
Mapping of actors in Jordan that work on the prevention of hate speech and/or support victims of hate speech or working on the topic in Jordan: lawyers, CSOs, CBOs, authorities, think thanks, etc.

Provide recommendations: (max. 5 pages):

Prevention: Propose strategies to prevent hate speech against women in Jordan and means of awareness.
Support for Victims: Map existing support for victims of hate speech in Jordan, identify gaps and suggest measures for CSOs to protect and support women victims of hate speech.
Reporting Mechanisms: Recommend strategies for reporting hate speech through institutions andon the platforms where it occurs.



The study is expected to be conducted at least through the following methods:

– Literature Review: Examination of existing literature and studies on the topic.

– Mapping of actors: Identify relevant actors that work on the prevention of hate speech and/or protection and support of victims in Jordan.

– Qualitative Data Collection: Conducting a minimum of 5 focus group discussions with a total of 30 people and a minimum of 6 relevant interviews with. The groups involved will ensure the participation of:

  Representatives of different governorates in Jordan.
  Diverse profiles of women, including refugees, WwD, GBV survivors, activists and CSO members.
  Relevant authorities and stakeholders.

The study will be comprehensive and presented in a maximum of 20 to 25 pages in English.

Communication and Coordination

The consultant is expected to:

During the overall process

Maintain regular communication and coordination with the NOVACT representative in Jordan.
Ensure transparency and openness to feedback and comments during different phases of the study.
Receive support from NOVACT in identifying and establishing communication with relevant actors involved in the project.

Before finalizing the study

Conduct an internal presentation of the findings to the eight organizations involved in the project.
Gather feedback and incorporate it into the final report.

Upon completion of the study

Deliver a final copy to be published on NOVACT’s website.
Present the main findings at an event organized by NOVACT and its partners aimed to hold discussions with public and private institutions to raise awareness and foster collaboration among stakeholders working on the issue of hate speech against women in Jordan.
Develop the trainings curriculum (phase 2) based on the knowledge and findings of the study.


PHASE 2. Trainings for young women and CSOs defending the rights of women in Jordan on how to protect women of online hate speech


The consultant is expected to deliver a total of three online trainings on women’s rights in the digital space and protection from hate speech. These training will include a total of 45 representatives from women’s rights organizations and young women defenders of women’s rights (70% young, 15% with disabilities, 40% refugees, 30% from rural areas.) Priority will be given to organizations from Mafraq and Zarqa.


The trainings for representatives from women’s rights organizations and young women defenders of women’s rights aims to:

Increase knowledge on hate speech with a gender focus and digital violence.
Build their capabilities on how to provide protection for women who are victims and potential victims of hate speech and harassment on the digital space.
Foster discussion and exchange among the participants identifying gaps and good practices.
Ensure the participation of a diverse group of women from Amman, Mafraq and Zarqa.
Ensure the participation of minimum 15 women to each one of the sessions.



Novact representative will support the consultant on the identification of participants to ensure the required quotas of participation through the network of the project. Nonetheless, the mapping efforts of the study are aimed to identify a pool of participants.

The sessions will take place online on a platform agreed among the consultant and Novact representative to ensure necessary features to conduct the trainings according to objectives.

The trainings will be facilitated in Arabic language. Each session will have a duration of one hour and a half and provide both theoretical knowledge and interaction and discussion among participants.

The sessions will be based on a tailored curriculum developed by the consultant based on the findings of the study and focusing on the protection recommendations. The training will start with a pre-evaluation and finish with a post-evaluation that will allow the consultant to identify the increase of knowledge.

Communication and coordination

Before the training

The consultant and Novact representative shall agree in the curriculum, evaluation forms and platform to be used.
The consultant and Novact representative shall identify training dates jointly, for Novact representative to identify a pool of participants and invite them to the training. The consultant may suggest additional participants according to involvement in the study, findings and network.
Novact representative will communicate with participants for their attendance based on information facilitated by the consultant.

During the training

The consultant will lead and facilitate the sessions, ensuring the collection of required deliverables as per the ToR and the contract.
The consultant shall inform of any difficulties or challenges to Novact representative.

After the training

The consultant will provide Novact representative with all deliverables.



The consultant is expected to deliver:

On the study

Final Research Document in English
Design of an infographic for the social media dissemination of the study
Internal presentation of the results in a one-hour session
Public presentation of the results at an event organized by Novact
Methodological report of the research
ToRs for the selection of participants for focus groups and interviews
Minutes of the interviews and focus groups

On the trainings

Three online courses on protection from hate speech to be conducted in Arabic
Training itinerary and materials based on the study recommendations in Arabic.
Pre and post test to evaluate the knowledge acquired
Attendance lists for the training sessions
Trainer’s report for each training session including the session evaluation, knowledge acquired, and participant recommendations

Project and donor visibility shall be ensured at all stages.


Mid-august 2024: Deliver inception report after review of project documents and preparation of methodology.

Mid-August to End-September: Conducting field work and presenting the first draft of the study.

Mid-October: Deliver first draft of the study and present it internally to all project partners for feedback.

End of October: Final delivery of the study and related supporting documents. Agree with Novact on training materials and info graphs.

November to mid-December: Implement the trainings

December to January: External presentation of the study

End of January 2025: Final delivery of all supporting documents related to the the training.



Understanding and adequacy of the offer to the requirements outlined in the Terms of Reference (TdR).

Technical Criteria (80%)

Execution schedule;
Methodological rigor;
CVs of participants in the consulting team, including previous accredited experience in hatespeech and women’s rights.

Economic Offer (20%)


Each bidder is expected to submit a financial proposal that includes all necessary taxes for the execution of this service. The maximum amount allowed for the overall budget of the service should not exceed 6000 JDs.

The experts involved in this work will establish a contractual relationship with NOVACT, in which the price of the service and delivery deadlines will be set. Regarding the latter, two delivery deadlines are proposed: the maximum deadline for completing the service is 31 January 2025.

The final payment specifications will be reflected in the contract signed between both parties.


Those interested in submitting a bid for this consulting service must provide:

The curriculum vitae of the person leading the team, highlighting previous relevant work for this offer.
A basic methodological proposal.
An economic proposal.

The deadline for submitting bids is 21st July 2024 at 23:59h (Amman time). Bids should be sent to with the subject JO HATE SPEECH.

L’entrada Jordan: Technical Service to produce a study on hate speech ha aparegut primer a Novact.