Save the dates for GDAMS 2024: April 12 to May 15

We are witnessing the dramatic consequences of escalating global militarization, evident in the numerous armed conflicts around the world, notably in Gaza and Ukraine, but also in many other conveniently ignored places of the Global South. We are suffering the consequences of a militaristic approach to international relations and global emergencies, imposed by countries of the North, which are at the same time responsible for most of the weapons produced.

Moreover, the environmental impacts -direct and indirect- resulting from these conflicts and militarization further underscore the pressing need for peace.

War is costing us the Earth.

As we anticipate yet another increase in global military expenditure, our efforts during the Global Days of Action on Military Spending will be more critical than ever. The 2024 GDAMS include:
– April 15: Tax Day in the USA
– April 22: SIPRI’s release of new data on military spending (figures for 2023) + Earth Day
– May 9: Europe’s Day of Peace
– May 14 and 15: C7 Summit, organised by Civil Society to confront the G7.

As we witness the global consequences of militarization, it becomes urgent to protest military budgets all around the world. Will you join us?

Our thanks to Krime for this illustration.

How can you get involved?

If you’re part of an organization:

Prepare your own GDAMS action or join activities prepared by other organizations near you. Once you know the details of your action please send us an email so we can also add them to our map & agenda and help you spread the word.

April 22 will be the main day of action. Using new military spending data released that day by SIPRI (figures for 2023), we’ll do media work and launch a Social Media Storm. We’ll send instructions for social media actions soon, and if you’re preparing media work in your city/country, we can help you plan it.

Stay active during GDAMS by sharing ideas, articles, actions and debates through your own network and social media, with other GCOMS partners, and with us (Twitter and Instagram).

As an individual:

Join a local group working on the issue, or set one up!
Here’s our list of partners.

Do Online Campaigning: join our social media storm on April 22; use your social media to protest military budgets by sharing pictures, news, materials and actions;

Write an op-ed; Send a letter to representatives in your country responsible for defense budgets.

Stay tuned for further details @