Stop Border Violence: collecting one million signatures in Europe kicks off

Starting today, July 10, [2023], you can support the European Citizens’ Initiative “Stop Border Violence.” It is the European Union’s only participatory democracy tool. By collecting one million signatures within one year’s time, European citizens can force the Commission to give its opinion on a specific issue.

The Stop Border Violence initiative calls for compliance with Article 4 of the EU Fundamental Charter of Rights, which states, “Torture and inhuman and degrading treatment are prohibited.”

For years we have witnessed the continuous and systematic violation of this principle. Undeniable examples of this are the militarization and externalization of internal and external borders, brutal rejections, deaths at sea, along the Balkan route and inside CPRs (detention centers for repatriation), and agreements with third states to prevent asylum seekers from entering their territory.

Every European citizen can do their part by signing and spreading this initiative at the link:

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